Cat #1: Dash

~Our first meeting~

I knew from the moment I saw his little pink nose and round yellow eyes that Dash was different than the other cats. It was April 3, 2011 at the Edmonton Humane Society. He was sitting in a small cage all by himself and I immediately noticed him. He was absolutely gorgeous. I pulled out my phone and took a picture to send to my mom telling her that I'd found my dream cat.

When I opened up his cage, he put his little paws on my shoulder and gave me a hug. I imagined him saying "Please pick me! I'll love you forever!". The only thing that threw me off was his tail. It kinked to the right in a lightening bolt shape. I went back several times over the next three weeks trying to decide which cat would best suit me. But I hadn't been able to stop thinking about little Dash since that first hug. Defective or not he was the one.

April 24th he moved into his forever home.

~His previous life~

Though Dash has a life of luxury now, it was not always so. Before he made his way to the Edmonton Humane Society, he lead a life of misery. From what the intake workers were able to piece together, he came from an abusive household.

Him and his sister were both walk funny due to a genetic condition but they underwent full body x-rays to rule out any injuries. His sister had multiple fractures that were never properly healed which meant she'd never been to a vet even though she had broken bones. She was in so much pain from the breaks that we needed to be put down.

A six week old kitten arrived with them as well. Dash and his sister's baby. Each of the kitten's back legs were broken. Three breaks per leg. The breaks were already starting to heal. They were re-broken and set properly. I found out later that she had made a full recovery and was adopted into a loving home.

His previous owners gave them up because they no longer had enough food to feed them. This was apparent by their rail thin demeanor and nervousness around food.

~A happy ending~

Due to his early life trauma, Dash has a very shy personality and doesn't often let himself loose enough to play with me or the other cats. He doesn't let anything stop him from relaxing in his favorite spots. Though he doesn't seek out attention he loves when you give it to him. If you rub under his chin you might even be privileged enough to hear his soft, quiet purr. Since coming to live with me he has been treated like the king he is.

~Important Dash facts~

Nicknames: Floppsy Kitty, Dasher, Dashy Bear, Stubs, Dasharoo, Little Man, Dashman, Seal Cat, Ball Cat, Dashy, Dashy the Snowman, Tiger Cat, Fancy Cat, Mr Dash

Breed/Color: Domestic short hair, Blonde Tabby

Birthday: 2010, July 9th

Defining characteristics: Short tail kinking to the right, and an Eeyore-like demeanor

Favorite food: Royal Canin Intense Beauty canned food (with or without additional salmon oil)

Favorite toy: None

Strange habit: Headbutting me awake immediately after the alarm goes off because it's food time

Favorite sleeping location: Anywhere on the chaise lounge or the back of large sofa

Dislikes: Sitting/walking on blankets, and sudden movements

Hierarchy level: Top

Sexual orientation: Homosexual

  • Cuddling with his friends
  • Sleeping
  • Eating
  • Headbutting
  • Staring at walls
  • Going for walks down the hall
  • Small outdoor adventures
  • Observing daily activities
  • Cleaning others
  • Walking slowly
  • Bathing himself

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