Thursday, March 20, 2014

water infusions. lemons and limes

Every day I struggle with making sure I drink enough water. Though plain water is refreshing, I thought it may be more enticing to have flavored water to drink. One solution would be to buy flavored water from the store. I wasn't too keen on buying something that was artificially flavored so I looked into other ways to infuse water with different flavors.

There were many different models to choose from but I ending up buying a water infuser from Bed, Bath & Beyond. I chose this one because it came with three different types of infusers. An ice core (to chill beverages without diluting it), a fruit infuser (to add extra flavors to beverages), and a tea infuser (to brew coffee or tea within the pitcher). The infuser that I use most is the fruit infuser cause I can put in fresh fruit to make delicious concoctions.

One of my favorite fruits to use are limes because I love the way they taste in water. I could eat limes on their own if they weren't so sour. This is a nice way to dilute the flavor a bit and still get the refreshing lime taste in my beverage.

Though I don't like lemons I add it anyway because it compliments the limes nicely. Also there are many health benefits to drinking lemon water, from boosting your immune system to giving you a boost of energy.

I like alternating the lemons and limes in the infuser to help distribute an even amount of each flavor to the water. I also have to make sure not to pack them in too tightly or it won't be able to infuse the water as well.

Then I simply add the infuser to the water and it's ready for the fridge. This container is really nice because it fits perfectly in the door of the fridge.

In a couple hours my water is ready for me to drink. I like having a glass first thing in the morning as a perk me up or after work if I'm feeling drained.

Coconut came to investigate if I was making anything with his favorite foods (spinach, carrots, etc.) but decided that he wasn't interested in what I had to offer and left. Silly Coconut.

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