~An unexpected surprise~
We drove to the south side of the city to meet with the breeder. The lady brought out the smallest ball of fur I'd ever seen. I held her to my chest and she instantly started purring against me. I loved how tiny she was and how soft her fur felt in between my fingers. My boyfriend asked if I wanted to keep her cause he could see it in my eyes that I didn't want to put her down. We brainstormed what we could call her but Cleopatra seemed to suit her best due to the beautiful white lines that framed her eyes. To us it looked like she was wearing eyeliner like Cleopatra would have worn. We brought her home that night. May 7th.
~Growing up misunderstood by everyone~
As Cleo grew she started following me around everywhere and she needed to know where I was at all times. To this day, she still likes making sure she's in the same room as me. She'll lay at my feet all night waiting for me to wake up and then come for a few pets when she hears me stir. She also has this sixth sense in knowing when I'm upset about something. Though she's not one for cuddling, she'll come up running at first sense of sadness or frustration. After petting her for a bit my troubles disappear.
Cleo can get pretty possessive over me around other people or cats. If she sees the other cats trying to get my attention, she may put them in their place with a random backhand or growl. She may do the same thing when people come over but usually she'd pretty docile unless provoked. But if I'm not around it's a completely different story. She'll be the biggest cuddle monster with everyone including the other cats. Most people label her as being a mean cat but in reality she's just trying to maintain her "tough girl" persona for me.
~A peek into the mysterious Cleopatra~
Nicknames: Cleo, Princess, Kitten, Kitten Bear, Cleo Bear, Cleobelle, Miss Priss, Miss Cleo, Baby, Baby Bear
Breed/Color: Maine Coon (purebred), Silver Tabby
Birthday: 2012, March 12th
Defining characteristics: Her cattitude, and constant need of my approval/attention
Favorite food: Royal Canin Intense Beauty canned food (without additional salmon oil)
Favorite toy: KONG Feathered Mouse Refillable Catnip Toy
Strange habit: Pawing at cardboard boxes
Favorite sleeping location: My coat or on the top level of the cat tree
Dislikes: Other cats, forthcoming people, salmon oil, having her back/tail touched, being picked up, the bedroom door being closed when she's on the outside, catnip, being brushed, and the smell of toothpaste
Hierarchy level: Second from top
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
- Grooming herself
- Sleeping
- Eating
- Window watching
- Sitting in bags
- Chewing plastic bags
- Following me around the house
- Sitting on the cat tree and clawing at people's faces as they walk by
- Outdoor adventures including but not exclusive to: chasing bugs, stalking leaves, and laying flat
- Being nosy
- Helping fold laundry
- Scratching at doors and windows to get my attention
- Pawing at cardboard boxes
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